Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Week 3

So it's the beginning of week 3 and I've already had to sign up for my classes for the new year (term 3 is January-March) AND the field study trip. I'm proud to say that my trip is now official and I'm really looking forward to getting closer to going!

I was told in church on Sunday that parts of China stink. Not as in "not fun" but as in "smell really bad." A former member of my church visits China frequently and relayed his warnings to me via his dad, an Elder in the church. I figure I should take his comment with a grain of salt. It might turn out to be true, but I don't want to taint my mental image of the country before I get the chance to go. I'll give you all some feedback after I go ... we shall see if China really stinks or not. Until then, if you have advice, warnings, comments, or just miscellaneous feedback on my upcoming trip feel free to let me know!

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